Products & Services
GL 002 Effective Installation, Cleaning and Sanitizing of Milking Systems
This guideline provides a practical discussion, for dairymen and certified equipment...
GL 006 Natural Ventilation for Dairy Tie Stall Barns
A properly designed and operated natural ventilation system will provide healthful...
GL 013 Environmental Air Control and Quality for Dairy Food Plants
This guideline provides an overview of what is involved in treatment of air for...
GL 014 Clean Room Technology
This guideline provides an overview of the essential factors that need to be...
GL 016 Handling Dairy Products from Processing To Consumption
Proper handling of dairy products is a prime factor in assuring good keeping quality...
GL 045 Gravity Flow Gutters for Manure Removal in Milking Barns
This guideline describes the concept and design of gravity flow gutters for manure...
GL 075 Direct Microscopic Examination of Milk from Small Ruminants
This PowerPoint based Guideline explains the reasons, and methods, for performing...
GL 095 HACCP Principles 6 & 7 Establish Verification Activities & Records
This guideline is one in a series of guidelines prepared by the Dairy Practices Council (DPC) to...
Small Ruminant (Goats and Sheep) Guidelines on USB
Samll Ruminant (Goats and Sheep) Guidelines on USB Drive. Requires U.S. Postal Fulfillment
Complete Set of DPC Guidelines on USB
Complete Set of DPC Guidelines on USB Drive. Requires fulfillment via U.S. Postal Service
Guideline Bundle #201 High Quality Milk From Cows
High quality raw milk is essential for the production of dairy products which are acceptable to...
Guideline Bundle #202 High Quality Milk from Goats
Somatic cell count (SCC) is commonly referred to as a Leukocyte Count. High SCCs threaten milk...