Dairy Practices Council Catalog

Guidelines  **link to ecommerce after data import**

Educational guidelines in Digital E-Guideline (PDF) format for the production/processing of milk, and the manufacture of dairy products. Printed GLs are available on request. Contact evp@dairypc.org 
Quick Reference List

DPC Membership

DPC Membership benefits include complete DPC Guideline (GL) sets, updates to existing GLs, and discounts for GL purchases and meeting registrations as well as the opportunity to be involved in the DPC GL development process. The DPC provides memberships at various levels geared for businesses who collaborate with and want to support the DPC; personnel from state, federal (USDA, FDA), and other regulatory bodies that oversee the dairy industry; academic and cooperative extension employees; and individuals who desire to be involved and kept up to date with DPC activities and Guidelines. See below and the DPC Membership Information Sheet for details.

Annual DPC Conference 

Conference Registration Options for Members and Non-Members for The DPC Annual Conference

Donation. **link to ecommerce after data import**

Provide your tax-deductible donation to the Dairy Practices Council operating fund.

Terms & Conditions; Refund Return Policy; and Privacy Statement

Terms & Conditions; Refund Policy; and Privacy Statement